Cok Sucker Blues

There's life, there's sound, there's music, there's recorded music, there's the music business1

the cOk sucker FOUR...

In New Zealand many people choose to listen to music. Many people choose to listen to recorded music bought through record companies. The four largest of these are represented as E.M.I., Sony/BMG, Festival/Mushroom/Warner2, Univeral Music3. They are each usually owned by many people and much of the ownership is in the hands of people outside of New Zealand.

The material cost of a compact disc along with printing is about $2 N.Z. The story goes the price of an album has to absorb the many commercial failures produced by each of these companies. Many of these albums that are sold in New Zealand are recorded overseas and hence the price of this copyright goes to these overseas people.

The stores which stock recorded music are supplied by these record companies. 'Sounds' and 'The Warehouse' are the two biggest retailers in N.Z..

Advertising for these albums is through television, radio and print. In New Zealand the two largest owners of Radio stations are Can West and the Radio Network (a confusingly named company). Can West also owns TV3 and TV4. Many of these advertising mediums are owned by similiar groups of people who own the record companies.

Three chords and the truth???????? Pop music, rock 'n' roll, rock, whatever you want to call it is about the worst kind of social climbing going.

How big a player is Global Routes? Number five? Next time, we find out.

So when one of these record companys is bought by another company, in effect they are buying legal documents that binds the group/band entity to the record company. So, Festival/Mushroom records will be passing these legal documents to the new owners along with the remaining stock of compact discs, posters etc. A lot of these contracts will have been agreed on in the presumption/agreement of ongoing I.R.D. funds in terms of recording and promotional finance. A large number of the group/band entitys are living under the false presumption that being in a legal agreement with anyone of these companies ties them into there overseas branches. This is for the most part, a false illusion. For this to occur, for the most part requires an internal vetting process.

more cOk sucker stuff this time in the form of the Inland Revenue; the Helen Clark, responsible for the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service of information, sound and look.....look!

Government contracts are a bit more difficult because they involve stuff like land, land space etc..... or not. I'm not sure. As you may have observed articles on this site happen to get changed without being completely re-worded. Maybe they don't involve land space? I don't know. Agencys. army companys. How does 'Helen' feel about the wholesale adoption of the Labour party with herself as head by such mediums as youth radio. Is she somewhat suprised? Does she boil it down to commensalism. Commensalism,'s a word doing the rounds at the moment. Brash, table for six, charity..table for ten $2500, there or there abouts. hmmmmmm. Charity, charity, charity. Accountanting......the bottom line is clarity. 'We must have clarity'. How does 'Helen' feel about the vetting process she is involved in, namely elections? 'Two for red'. The executives, the pen nib. hmmm. Prime minister or President? Oh, while we are at it what is the official definition of 'Prime minister'. Does it have one? I have often wondered if it does. (I think it does) Who's your speech advisor? hmm. Convergence, convergence, convergence Red, Blue and White....

So within the internal workings of the local music biz, people are very interested in the groups 'acceleration', therein the groups accumulation of regognition and success. So much of what one will read, will be discussions of these issues.
To be considered by these agencies, the group must be looking to accelerate. What constitutes accereration includes the will to perform in concert many times in many settings, therein touring, concert playing......

New Zealand music commission

New zealand on Air | government corporation of new zealand

the people who set the rules on the rule writers

between the government corporation and the people who set the rules on the rule writers, are the doors of perception.....

The Yes Men videos

Rupert Murdoch

The Ropert Murdoch Festival!

who owns what media in N.Z?

who owns what u.s.a kind of stuff

another who owns what u.s.a. thing

radio spectrum ownership in N.Z.


this dude's got something on everyone of the biggest four cOk suckers!!!

APN | Fairfax | the public face of news corp | Newscorp

product placement in computer games

Master of promotion, manufacturing consent and the cOk sucker blues

cOk sucker one, New York city

Guano | Nauru


parallel processing with google and myspace

the state of access to recorded music.........

problem with music

supersize my pay

cOk in face

The new bullshit, as used at Auckland Airport

they use this one at Auckland University

Grey Power